You can make a gift through this website or buy work from Jeroen. For more information on buying work of Jeroen, please read the Buy work page. To read more about the set-up of the Foundation read more here.
We can provide a confirmation of your gift for fiscal purposes.
We do not have an ANBI status as it considers a gift to a person directly.
A donation is for both the donor and the benificiary exempt from tax up to 2.122 euro per donor per child. Maximum 6.366 per year for three children. If you wish to make a monthly or yearly contribution, do not hesitate to contact us
If you wish to make a gift please fill out the form below
and transfer money to the following bank account:
RABO - NL31RABO0313281173
In the name of W.H.R. Hogewind
The foundation will manage the funds on behalf of Boes and the children.